Friday, April 30, 2010

How The Heel Do I Walk In These?

Today I wore a skirt and heels to an audition.  And the role certainly didn't require it.  I was playing a waitress, so I barely looked at the script.  Why?  Before I hung up my apron for good, I had more than 13 years experience slinging food and drink for tips.  I got this.

But what's up with the get-up?  It was a snooty, upscale waiter, but still... a skirt?  And heels?  I looked at those heels and my sore feet rather disapprovingly when I got home.  Three inches?  Get off my feet!  That seemed excessive.  But... haven't I heard about taller shoes lately?  Much taller?  Like, five and six-inch heels?  That's insane!  Right?

So what's up with the tall shoes these days?  Well according to experts, shoe height is at an all-time high.  And who is to blame?  Apparently Lehman Brothers and Bear Stearns.  Yep!  Thought is, that the recession is driving escapism.  Thus, women are towering!  Lady Gaga escaped more than anyone, when she strutted her stuff in 12-inch heels for her "Bad Romance" video.

Yikes!  Sure, heels make women feel taller, thinner, more stylish and sophisticated, but at the cost of pain, stress fractures and safety hazards galore?  

I applaud being fashion-forward, but three inches is my limit.  I'm putting my foot down.  In a flip-flop.


  1. Fortunately I've never had to face that torture. My youngest went all through high school in flip flops—no matter what season. it could be freezing and that's all she would wear.

    I just noticed that you became a follower of my blog Ellie. I am honored - truly. Thank you and stay "tooned" for more.

  2. thanks Rick! Looking forward to it!

  3. I'm a Mary-Jane kind of gal myself with a little slip flop action from time to time-I feel ridiculous and uncomfortable in heels. I marvel at how some women pull it (heels) off with grace and style all the while making it look effortless.
