Wednesday, June 2, 2010

I'm Ready, Baby...

Today I took myself for a walk along the beach, something I rarely do and pretty much never do alone.  I came to a startling conclusion.  I'm ready to have a baby.  Actually two.  I want to have the second one immediately after the first.  

Problems?  Hmm... not married, not dating someone who's giving any indication he's ready to get married and/or have children.  Truth is, I wouldn't even mind walking into parenthood unmarried.  I wouldn't even mind spending the rest of my life unmarried.

Oh, and I don't really like children.  In fact most of them make me want to run far, far away to the land of where only adults live.  But I've always been certain my kids will be amazing.

And yes, the fact that I'm turning 35 this year certainly has something to do with these creeping feelings... but they were always going to be there.  I've always known I've wanted to be a mother.

So when will this baby making extravaganza begin?  Well, one thing's for sure, I'm on my last pack of birth control pills.

Stay tuned...

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